Zoomorphic Atlatl Weight

This interesting object was surface collected from the eroded shoreline of Lac Seul.  This artifact has been identified as an elongated atlatl weight with what appears to be an animal face carved into one end.  Notches have been cut into the top corners along both sides of the piece.  The raw material is possibly steatite or another similar type of rock with properties that allowed the notching and zoomorphic shape to be achieved (3-d model courtesy of Lakehead University anthropology department).


This artifact is assumed to be broken as other atlatl weights stylistically similar to this one are curated at the Manitoba Museum.  These complete specimens are longer and have a slightly thickened (humped) profile as indicated by the dotted red line on the photo below.  The recovery of this artifact on Lac Seul suggestions a western connection or influence as the recovery of other zoomorphic atlatl weights on or around the Northern Plains has been documented (See Meyer and Stevensen 2020; The atlatl weights of Saskatchewan in Archaeological Survey of Alberta Occasional Paper No. 40 and also see Riddle 1983; An Introduction to the Archaeology and Culture History of the Neepawa and Area Planning District in Papers in Manitoba Archaeology Popular Series No. 5 pages 88/89).